Many people shy away from thinking about death or illness.

But taking some time to think about what kinds of medical treatment you would and would not want if you were unable to speak for yourself can provide peace of mind, especially to loved ones. Simple documents enable

Without advanced preparation, a loved one may be forced to make difficult choices without knowing what you would want. Decisions may even be left up to a doctor or someone appointed by a judge — a person who may not know your values, beliefs, or preferences.

So take the time to learn about and complete the necessary forms — the sooner the better and there is no better time than now since an attorney is generally not needed to prepare the forms. The form itself is generally a public document obtainable from your individual state.

In California, the statutory Advance Health Care Directive form can be found from many sources including the Attorney General’s office which has a .pdf fillable version available here.

The main components of the health care directive are:
• Naming your agent who can make medical decisions if you become incapacitated;
• Naming your agent who can make medical decisions even if you have capacity;
• Naming alternate agents;
• Stating limits on what decisions your agents can make;
• Stating explicit health care choices;
• Stating your wishes regarding donation of organs; and
• Designating your primary physician.
You can revoke the agreement or modify it at any time and do not need to use the statutory form.

PLEASE NOTE that the document needs to be witnessed by two individuals that will need to declare that they are not related to you and do not believe to be a beneficiary of your estate. There are also some special requirements if you are signing the document in a skilled nursing facility.
EVERY INDIVIDUAL SHOULD HAVE THIS FORM and although a lawyer is not needed you can contact us for a free consultation and we can help you get this important item off your to do list.