Welcome to VeracruzLaw.com

Welcome to my Blog!

I hope for the following entries to be informative on a wide array of financial and estate planning issues. Nothing here will be particularly innovative in the form of substance and content. And most of it is heavily borrowed from other websites which I will liberally link to throughout this project.


But I do want to instill a theme of empowerment over your legal and financial affairs especially if you have people who rely upon you for love, care, and support. I hope that these blogs may inspire you to take care and plan for the present and for the future, for the improbable and also the inevitable. If not for you, then for them: your spouse, child, business partner, employee.

So with that {knock on wood} I hope to be fairly prolific as there are an infinite number of topics that this blog will cover. The first five topics will be:

What is an estate plan and do I need one?

Can you explain once and for all what is probate?

Why most businesses fail to succeed past the first generation.

Please feel free to comment on anything, offer suggestions and corrections, etc.

Happy reading.  

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4 thoughts on “Welcome to VeracruzLaw.com”

  1. Mark & Inas Abas

    We have known Darren for many years. He is our attorney and we value his advise. We wish him the best in his endeavors.

    Mark & Inas Abas

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